
December 20 - 22, 2024 Midwest's winter convention in Chicago.

Be a part of Giant Dances We have huge dance parties on Friday and Saturday night. Come dance with new friends to some incredibly epic Electronic Dance Music.

Make friends with some Great Fandoms Coming to a convention is an experience of meeting other fans. It's cool to just come in costume, hang out, chill, and make new friends.

Be Pampered by the Maid Cafe The Fleur Royale Maid Cafe is a signature event, where you are served by your very own maids just like in a Japanese maid cafe.

Dance in The Fantasy Ball Join us for our formal dance, your chance to dress classy and waltz with friends in our ballroom. We will teach you the art and elegance of formal dance if you don't know how.

Rock Out at Cool Concerts Every year C+A+D hosts a number of awesome concerts from all kinds of bands - rock bands, anime bands, Japanese bands, and more.

Play Arcade Games We are excited to feature a room filled with awesome arcade games, which are completely free to play all weekend. This is a rare opportunity to play some incredible games for free.

Get inspired by Japanese Culture We invite special guests presenting elements of Japanese culture, so you can get inspired and understand more about the culture that created anime.

Sell Yourself in the Date Auction Our Date Auction is your chance to find a date to our formal dance. You can sell yourself as a date for one dance in the ball in our auction. ** Many rules apply.

Compete with friends at Gaming Our console gaming room has tournaments and free play all weekend, so you can come compete against your friends.

Keep memories at our Photoshoots Remember all the awesome costumes and your fun times by participating in a photoshoot or getting your picture taken in our studio.

Listen to Awesome Guests We give you a rare inside look at the world behind the industry by giving you access to awesome guests like actors, directors, writers, and more.

An convention.